Ubuntu - building bridges every day
“You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1960
Our society has become harsh and unforgiving. People no longer show each other respect; not to mention compassion. Imagine the difference it would have made to your day today if a random person smiled at you Just because. No expectation or ulterior motive. One human to another.
So how about giving one person that special "I see you, I respect you - smile" tomorrow. And no, not your boss or a client you're hoping to clinch a deal with. Focus on the unseen or outsiders of our society.
It could be the guy selling the morning newspaper on your route to work. Try and notice him and remember what he looks like. I have a friend who have a deal with her newspaper man that he gives her her newspaper at the traffic light every day and she pays him weekly every Friday. He trust her to pay her dues - would you trust him? Spare a thought and imagine just one second how it would be if you had his life.
So give him that smile - it's free anyway.
Keep a look out for the next edition of Ubuntu where I will be telling the story of a few unseen people you deal with daily, like the clerk at the stationery shop or the check out girl at your local supermarket.
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