Monday, January 28, 2013

The purpose of daily Ubuntu.

The Philosophy of Ubuntu - Interconnectedness

You know when ubuntu is there, and it is obvious when it is absent. It has to do with what it means to be truly human, to know that you are bound up with others in the bundle of life.
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu
“God Has A Dream” © 2004 Published by Doubleday

The purpose of this blog is to highlight examples of humans respecting, caring for and understanding each other, the society and natural environment we live in. Sadly, we expect others to take responsibility. We easily blame the government, politicians, big business and the media for the sad state of affairs in our country and the world.

YET... what have you done lately?

It's easy to sit in your comfortable chair watching the evening news and playing armchair politician. But that will not change the our country.

Changes take place person by person, day by day, step by step. It's the citizens of this country that will indeed be able to make the difference.

This is also not a monologue but a dialogue... Not with big philosophical discussions. It for the ordinary man in the street to come up with easy-can-do-steps. To be brave and bold, building bridges every day and making our country indeed a better place to live in.

I would like to encourage all readers to contribute and send their responses. 

Check back in for my next post on daily ubuntu steps that we can all practice in our backyard!

 South African citizens must hold those in public office accountable.
- Dr Mamphela Ramphele
 © 2012

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